6 years ago by Jovan in Service channel Pinned
Starting today, you will be able to purchase and watch Charles Aschbrenner's Pulse Putterning DVD here on PianoTechnique.org Make sure you are logged in, visit
Hi, good to see you here!
6 years ago by Jovan in Service channel Pinned
Starting today, you will be able to purchase and watch Charles Aschbrenner's Pulse Putterning DVD here on PianoTechnique.org Make sure you are logged in, visit
3 years ago by Thibaud Kessell in Piano and feldenkrais
Hello! I'm recovering from a wrist injury and have benefited greatly from Feldenkrais and from becoming much more aware of what I'm doing at and with the piano. As part of my recovery, I'm reevaluatin...
3 years ago by Jovan in Topic of the month
How do you feel about using pedal/s while playing Bach?
3 years ago by Lumi Waterman in Topic of the month
Kapustin Op. 40 No 2 & 3 here. How about you?
5 years ago by Jovan in Technique and methods
Hi! I believe ”finger staccato” is quite widely used method for making passages clean or activating and strengthening fingers. I am just wondering here that how w...
6 years ago by Jovan in Service channel
Hey guys, Some of you know that I am working on a new version of pianotechnique.org. This version is more then 2 years old and it's about time I refresh things around here. Not on...
6 years ago by Jovan in Series and videos
Hello. I Just watched the new video "Becoming One with the Instrument". I actually think everything Alan teaches helps a dn enables the pianist to become one with the instrument. ...
6 years ago by Jovan in Series and videos
Hi. Just to say I am loving the recent couple of series, the one on Introduction to Piano Kinematics, and the other on Chopin Etudes. Jovan and Alan must have had a lot of fun recording...