Hi, good to see you here! Maybe check out our sample video section while you are at it?
6 years ago by Jovan in Piano teaching and pedagogy
As you know, there is an open call for feedback and suggestions on Kiddie Craft. Let's use this thread to post comments/feedback. I just received a chat message from a user who wishes to stay...
6 years ago by PLaine in Technique and methods
Hi, Another concept which have appeared couple of times recently is "Bone Ropes". This is also a technique which I believe I allready have some idea, but it still needs clarifica...
6 years ago by Jovan in Series and videos
Hi. I think the latest update with Alan and Jovan on skype is fantastic! I always find these updates really inspiring and encouraging. I felt disappointed that OUP do not want the...
6 years ago by Jovan in Service channel
I got more great footage from Alan and will edit it and publish asap. It would be great if some of you could help me POI these videos since there is so much info in there. J
6 years ago by Jovan in Service channel
I have been thinking for a while that it would be nice if we had an offical shirt with a bear, maybe a clever illustartion or word play on piano and technique? Any interest in that? I would...
6 years ago by Markeog in Service channel
I recorded this series some time ago, it is still relevant but do let me know if any of the videos needs re-freshing or if you think I should cover something else. ht...
6 years ago by ArthurDing in Piano and feldenkrais
This popped up on my feed today and I thought some of you might find it interesting in case you have ever wondered why your knuckles make that popping sound. https://gizmodo....
6 years ago by Jovan in Service channel
There are lots of great things in there but I think I need your help if you have the time of course :) Thanks! This is the one in question: