Hi, good to see you here!
8 years ago by A Pianist
We just received this in the mail: My craft of piano has finally arrived. I count it a priviledge to view the new insights that come from Alan frasier' teachings. We never stop learning. I will only suggest that Alan will try to give consideration to the fact that we live in a world full of barriers and one great...
8 years ago by A Pianist
A while ago I received the following from a Dutch musician. I share it with you here along with my responses... Dear Mr. Fraser, With great interest I read your book “The craft of Piano Playing”. Besides playing the modern piano, I play the fortepiano, the clavichord and the harpsichord. I am the lucky owner of...
8 years ago by A Pianist
Hello Alan, I am intrigued by your book and DVD on piano technique. I am an amateur pianist trying to play Chopin etudes but am running into obstacles along the way. For example, Chopin's etude in C Major, Op.10, No. 1. My right hand and forearm become tired very quickly playing the arpeggios. My questions are 1) Can...
8 years ago by A Pianist
I happened to come across your piano technique website and was very impressed by breadth of information on the site. Your reviews about piano technique were extremely informative, logical, and convincing, especially the ones about Taubman and Lister-Sink. One point that stood out to me was your observation that Liste...
8 years ago by A Pianist
I got an email question from a young pianist the other day that I thought would clarify some of the basic problems in piano technque. Here's the email followed by my response. "I'm a 17 year old pianist, and had never considered technique before I was recently attacked in that area by many teachers at a p...
8 years ago by A Pianist
Just got this request for advice from pianist Albert Rossi... Dear Prof. Fraser, I have purchased your 2003 edition book and your DVD, and am writing to you to ask for a bit of further advice. I studied piano from ages 12 through 19, first with a private teacher and then for a year as a piano major at Indian...
8 years ago by A Pianist
Hi Alan I have had the joy of listening and practising my latest purchase of "The Craft of Piano Playing" featuring yourself. I wanted to let you know that it has already in a very short time of practice had a tremendous affect on my playing. I feel more released and not so heavy as I was, and have s...
8 years ago by A Pianist
Dear Alan: Thank you for responding personally – to get a message from the master is a blessing and I thank you profusely! Believe it or not, I sat down and looked at the entire DVD as soon as I got it! There is no way to digest everything at one sitting but that’s how exciting it was to me! After doing some researc...
8 years ago by A Pianist
Alan, Your marketing approach of displaying a demo from your video really worked in my case. I think I found your site when I was searching for any sites relating to Taubman Technique. I had just learned about her when I interviewed a pianist for my site, New York Pianist. Then I came across your site, and viewed yo...
8 years ago by A Pianist
Wow ! Men, i must say your research are worth listening to them! Ive watched your DVD twice, and within a week. My results were wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Everything seemed more naturalll more easy... To grassssssp, yeaaahh!! That's grasping thanks!! It has made me everything more fluide, thats perfect thanks! My tec...
8 years ago by A Pianist
Hi there Is there any chance we can buy the Dvd in downloadable content as the post takes ages! I have been unfortunate in having my Dvd delayed by Servbian postal strikes I'm told on top of the UK one. Its been 13 days now and Im not sure when its going to arrive. I really need to go through the material as I...
8 years ago by A Pianist
I'm wondering where to order the DVD. I sent some email I found on Maple Grove Productions, but was returned undeliverable. Is it true it ships from SERBIA????? Also I see some on Amazon, but way over $100.00!!! - what are those? Why isn't the DVD readily available? Thanks, Issy
8 years ago by A Pianist
First I must tell you that I'm not a pianist (former classical guitar player). I am an artist. I've been researching Wanda Landowska for info and images for a painting. In my search I came across a post from Alan Fraser in reference to photos of Ms Landowska's hands. I have had a difficult time finding any really good...