Hi, good to see you here! Maybe check out our sample video section while you are at it?
7 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods
Hello, I'm posting because I'm in a rather frustrating situation these days with my playing. Some pieces I play I can play consistently well. For example, I can play the Waldstein very well. However,...
7 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods
. A thorough demonstration and conversation about the technical regimen Adele Marcus suggested for her piano students. Tori Stødle - Professor of piano, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tromsø, N...
7 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods
Hi all, I know my last post was not very specific so I have a more specific question to ask now. I've been noticing that playing difficult technical passages loudly has helped improve my overall tech...
7 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods
Hello Paul and the rest of you, I like Paul's answers here a lot and would agree. Furthermore, the more you practice grasping, the more the grasping action will begin to be present in your hand as a...
7 years ago by A Pianist in Student evaluation video discussion group
can't get it to open...
7 years ago by A Pianist in Student evaluation video discussion group
video unavailable
7 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods
Thank you Andrew for that clarification - very valuable! AFF
7 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods
Andrew you are absolutely right, and you've hit on something extremely important - bravo! AFF PS I see you are gunning to get hired as a writer too!