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8 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods

My practise recently has revolved around the question in the title and I'm reaping huge benefits from such a simple question. There's a great (and very rich) ATM on called Legs Pushing Pel...

8 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods

I have just finished reading 'Honing the Pianistic Image'. It's absolutely amazing. This and the Craft of Piano Playing are the best books on piano playing by miles. I think I was fortunate that Yonty...

8 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods

I'm a piano intermediate/beginner, having played badly (and with bad habits) for five years in childhood. I'm taking it up again and want to do it right this time. I had one amazing lesson with Alan v...

8 years ago by A Pianist in Piano master video discussion group

Cziffra occasionally uses UD and that's unavoidable. But some of this I would refer to as positioning individual fingers in line with the arm in order to avoid tension- a subject that was very dear to...

8 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods

Season 2, we are back!

8 years ago by A Pianist in Book, dvd, a study guide, dvd demo, cd's

The 2nd edition is published by Scarecrow Press. They obviously have a better relationship with Amazon than we do... They are a much bigger company! I actually spent some time trying to wade through...

8 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods

First of all, ascertain which of the two notes sounds first. Then practice doing the reverse - play them not together on purpose, but with the other note sounding first. Note what changes in sensation...

8 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods

Another Free for All lesson was just published! It's a lecture Alan gave in 2012, Smith College. Part 1 out of 4 is free for all! Subscribe for access to this mini series and hours of teaching mat...