Hi, good to see you here! Maybe check out our sample video section while you are at it?
7 years ago by Jovan in Piano teaching and pedagogy
This category has been on our forum for some time, but nobody has seen fit to submit anything. I thought I would get the ball rolling by posting my answers to an email inquiry I received about the Rus...
7 years ago by A Pianist in Piano and feldenkrais
Some people feel that paying attention to the physical is a distraction, a form of masturbation to avoid really dedicating yourself to artistic expression. Yet others have found that it has really ope...
7 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods
How many of you are aware that the thumb is virtually a hand in itself? It totally opposes to the rest of the hand, and its musculature is almost as big as all of the other fingers' put together? Have...
7 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods
If you've ever worked with professor Alan Fraser,feel free to leave your comments.
7 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods
Famous pianists I have met… Arthur Rubinstein was my first real hero. I heard him play Tchaikowsky Concerto in the Montreal Forum (ice hockey’s cathedral, home of the legendary Canadiens) of all pl...
7 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods
Yesterday in our lesson I wasn’t happy with the left hand of Jovan’s Winter Wind etude (Chopin Op. 25 #11) – it lacked a real desperation of expression. His left hand was good and bold, singing well,...
7 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods
Hi, I'm an amateur pianist from the United States. I've owned The Craft of Piano Playing for about six months, and the concepts in the book have been very helpful in my technical development. I'm espe...
7 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods
Hi, i found a dvd where Prof.Alan is giving a lessons to students in Germany. Would you like me to put it on server so you can download it? Lessons are great,i mean you will see. But first,i have t...