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8 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods

I was just browsing through my old mail folder and found a message about the lobster claw and the seeming contradiction between relaxation and activation. A GREAT question that deserves a new answer,...

8 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods

Here is something from a very early book of Moshe Feldenkrais, ABC of Judo (Paris, 1938). Feldenkrais was a student of Jigaro Kano, founder of Judo, and Kano said that Feldenkrais’s books on judo were...

8 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods

My last couple of entries touch on the problem of how most freely and effectively to manipulate the piano keys for beautiful and variegated sound. Another way of describing unstable equilibrium (see p...

8 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods

Communication is a 2-step process. First the information is presented, second, it is understood by the receiver. I have always seen it as my responsibility as a teacher to ensure that the student gets...

8 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods

That’s right… As you sit and read this, move one knee slightly forward. You may notice that it is impossible to do it without a slight movement of the pelvis as well. Lately as I have returned to some...

8 years ago by A Pianist in Technique and methods

When I observe the best practitioners of the Arm Weight school, people like Claudio Arrau, Yonty Solomon, Carola Grindea or Raymond Banning, I notice something very interesting: their hands always man...

8 years ago by A Pianist in Book, dvd, a study guide, dvd demo, cd's

8 years ago by A Pianist in Piano and feldenkrais

Yesterday i received a feldenkrais treatment from a friend.It was a short session, but effect was unbelievable.I can put it this way: It was like my hand has been frozen for whole my life and for tho...