Liszt - C major transcendental etude
Kemal and Rastko keep on working on the etude
and a few other things too. Remember, this is a Paganini etude
and it should be played that way
The famous Revolutionary etude
Kemal plays the Harp etude
Etude Tableaux Op 39 No 9
Etude Tableaux Op 39 No 8
Etude Tableaux Op 39 No 3
Etude Tableaux Op. 33 No. 6
Etude Tableaux Op. 33 No. 2
Transcendental Etude No. 9
Wilde Jagd performance
Snake like rope hand structure because the intervals are too wide
Ten minute segment on the famous La Campanella opening
Wilde Jagd from Tauberbischofsheim, 2015
Part 9 and the series wrap up. Kemal points out how much the actual performance and playing for a...
Part 8, more on dynamic levels, articulation and voicing.
As we progress throughout the etude, we get to talk about sound levels
We are talking about the main two themes, artistic freedom and getting down to the nitty gritty o...
Metric, dynamic contrasts, a bit more on Liszt and how he composed..all that in part 5
From a small workshop in Amherst, MA 2016.
Digging deeper into the score, main themes, the opening
A lesson given a few years back in Novi Sad, Serbia. Mini series in a few parts
Alan is throwing a lot of super useful info at the student.
Alan is heloing Remon get a great sound and become one with the piano
In part 2 we continue working on the opening and that great roaring sound
Opening of the second recital in Germany 2015
Alan and Remon are working on the right sound for the opening of this etude
Another transcendental etude from Kemal
Alan and Marc work on the concert etude [entire lesson]
Transcendental Etude No. 5
The sound picture for the entire etude
Alan gives useful pointers ofor left hand in Chopin's black keys etude
Alan talks about the sound and scouping, fulcrum like movement that induces elasticity in the han...
Smith 2015, unedited lesson
Alan is helping a student play this etude faster by introducing rotation
3 part mini series with Kemal Gekic
Alan talks about arch, fatigue..
Satchi doesn't know how to produce a good and strong piano sound. Alan is helping via Rachmaninof...
Alan and Marc are discussing passages, octaves..
On pedaling, tone, old pianos
Famous F minor etude. See what Alan has to say on it!
More on arch and hand structure in passages
Pianistic codependency and hand structure in Op.10 No.5 Chopin's etude
We dig into the score a bit more
Kemal is explaining what this etude is all about.