From Munch 2023 workshop
From a workshop in Belgrade, December 2021
Alan explores and explains some key concepts in the midst of going through dozen a day. Things like internal rotation and don't fall down concept
Let the wrist flex
Using the wrist to inflect the music, to form the music
Alan talks about how information flows throughout the wrist and why is it important it's not blocked
Where is the keystone of the arch? Second MCP or the wrist?
Fingers/thumb and the wrist
Handy Harry and Rex Wrist
You stop moving the wrist and music acquires this static quality
Alan shows a wrist movement totally opposite from what you would expect
Stable wrist, rotation and functional thumb are prerequisites for healthy scales
Overholding, springy wrist and elasticity
Structured hand is not a stiff hand if it's elastically created
Asked by: adrienschmitt
Alan talks about rotation via Liszt's La campanella
Part 2 - Appassionata with Alan. More on hand structure and piano walking among other things
Alan is helping Jordan empowering her playing. A really good example of Alan's teaching.