Once you understand the techniques, you can experient and look for the right approach
Exploration of a touch. "A little jucier then touching but not so juicy as standing"
Alan covers a few important concepts in this short episode such as paying attention to everything...
Weighted touch reduces melodic flexibility and orchestral sound
Working on a specific touch that works for entire etude
Overly expressive playing vs. this flux of up and down we have been talking about
Feel the string vibration
Book II, Prelude No. 8
We are exploring that touch and that feeling of 'tunneling the keys' in order to get the sound we...
Alan answers a question on overpressing
In a moving way..the propper way to touch the piano
On touch and joining via Chopin
Alan talks about bold melodic siging or
Alan discusses voicing, figuration, melodic lines and shaping in e minor Chopin's Nocturne
Asked by: 57walker