The thumb gives the arm a function, it builds it up while we play
Alan's introduces his third book, all about the thumb's crucial role in empowering the entire hand at the piano
Alan asks whether the hand really passes over the thumb in scales... or not?
Alan shows how the thumb needs to be more fully utilized if a scale is going to shine and run quickly.
It looks that way but is it?
Let's face it, the thumb is not like the other four fingers on your hand
The more you oppose the better all the fingers work. Get that power to your hand
Feel the thumb metacarpal
In short, Alan sumarizes all the aspects needed for a healthy piano technique
without standing or making the thumb vertical
if your finger stays tense your thumb is not standing well, same for fingers, if they are solid, thumb will be fine
"Standing the thumb on the nail"
Going laterally helps the fingers and makes the angle of arm to finger to key actually good
but over actually and it also helps you STAND UP
It's an internal state that needs to be constantly cultivated
Get it as high as you can
you better find another way of playing it
Pianimals teachers exercise 21
Pianimals teachers exercise 11
Pianimals teachers exercise 6
Exercise 2
Forget holding an apple, supination does not let your hand fall down
Everybody wants to over secure but tense up. Arm needs to be in motion all the time
In independence, there is always inter dependence
Like the Tai Chi empty step
Thumb can move in three different ways but we don't want to flex it really
Hand hip joint, curled thumb
Asked by: markeog
It is a fluid state of your hand. Link it to the thumb!
Asked by: markeog
Alan is playing through this etude and giving us insight in how his mind works
It's really an etude for the thumb - Alan (45 min long)
If you are not swiveling your hand
and what kind of sound do I get?
Creates a moving entity
The oldest questions in the piano book
Then the thumb and fingers aren't functional
The hand has this amazing capacity to individuate parts of itself from within
The thumb should not be dysfunctional
The thumb needs to do this amazing carrying job
Inner hand action and the thumb differentiation
Where does the thumb opposition start? Balcony position
When the thunb stands well, the fingers can move freely
How to develop an elastic component of the hand?
And why is thumb opposition so important?
Much of our movement is elastically generated, not just muscle contraction
Some of you might already be familiar with the fuction of the thumb but it's good to recap.
Group 4, lesson 3
Group 4, lesson 2
By going up instead of down
The springiness of the thumb is what gets us through
The springy thumb is powering the whole motion
Fingers/thumb and the wrist
The thumb carries the hand. Springiness!
Changing the angle of the hand does not help muscles and they stop working.
We are actually braking the hand structure and figuring out what is needed here
Alan is busting the myth: opposition, not flexion
Energy infusion needed to not bend your thumbs
Playing from the gut, giving the hand more energy and enthusiasm and a bit about martial art
Alan is helping Adrien activate his thumb and make it a bit more organic by allowing it to push the hand up.
A fresh take on arm weight. Thumb through shoulder connection via elastic thumb
Asked by: markeog
Alan is showing Jean a few exercises for the left hand scales.
Stable wrist, rotation and functional thumb are prerequisites for healthy scales
Alan is bringing the thumb into the picture. Rotating the opposite way?
Making a tiny adjustments and the thumb being activated
Rotation in relation with the thumb
Another recent lesson with a focus on the thumb, orchestration and sound
Alan and Jean are working around the injury and trying to make the thumb work again
Question on the thumb neutrality
Alan answers the question on the collapsed thumb
An amazing lesson on thumb, must see!
Arm thumb is an extention of the radius
Alan talks about bending of the thumb
An ongoing conversation on the rotation and thumb opposition
Thumb opposition is one of the basic hands movements and Alan explains why is it very importnat in piano playing
We are finishing up this series with various exercises designed to separate sensory infomration and musculary effort
Alan is explaining how to get rid of unnecessary tension in the thumb
Alan talks about how to properly address the hyperextended thumb
Alan talks about the flat but active structure and the thumb
We are talking about the thumb and octaves in this lesson
A useful exercise that gives thumb a great deal of mobility
Why do we use the thumb? A little bit of history and anatomy
Alan is talking about the thumb, scales..
Some new and old things about the thumb
Thumb's role and function in a healthy structure
Short lesson on the thumb and how we started playing with it
Asked by: hadarmo2
Asked by: markeog
On thumb and the arch via Chopin
Last day of AFFI Smith 2015 lecture/Q&A
We talk about the arch, the thumb, standing up and proactive hand
The effects strengthening of the hand has on speed and movement
Asked by: adrienschmitt
Stand up on the thumb
Alan works on student's arch.
Asked by: 57walker
Alan talks about several different technical concepts, joined thumbs, tension vs tonus..see Points of Interest for more details
Part 3
Part 2, Hope, MI
Opening lecture from Hope, MI 2015 Institute
Asked by: 57walker
Alan is takling about the hand, thumb, finger action
Intro lecture from Eitorf, Germany 2014 Institute
This part is all about the thumb and hand structure
Alan is talking about how to build strength in the first dorsal interosseous.
When thumb is trying to oppose itself to the hand, it drwas itself into right relationship with the hand
Full structural support and no interference of muscular holding
Day two of the Institute. Lecture on th Thumb! Can the thumb really help the hand while playing?
Part 2 - Alan's lecture on the Thumb, Alan Fraser's Institute 2013
A lecture on the Thumb given to participants of Alan's Institute in 2013