Are the octaves played "from the wrist" or is there something else at play?
The way you stand up in your hand could and should allow for this
Let the wrist flex
Also on forearm rotation and octaves
Asked by: MarkRiches
Pianimals teachers exercise 27
Alan's take on fast octaves, submitted by Mark Riches
Octaves and the beautiful middle section. Such a versatile etude.
By going up instead of down
Asked by: hadarmo2
Asked by: hadarmo2
From a small workshop in Amherst, MA 2016.
We are talking about the thumb and octaves in this lesson
The importance of movable structure when playing the piano
Structured hand is not a stiff hand if it's elastically created
Elasticity and biotensegrity applied to octaves
Last day of AFFI Smith 2015 lecture/Q&A
Lecture No.2 from AFF Institute Hope, MI 2015
Even though this lesson is on Nocturno, Alan really talks about hand structure, grasping, octaves...