Alan describes his second book, that takes the hand from a solid structurality to a new state of freedom: unstable equilibrium
Alan explains how floating and balancing the hand allows the fingers to work much better than when they are burdened with a weighted touch
The gravity is educating and informing skeleton how it can org itself into vertically without any effort
The gravity is educating and informing skeleton how it can org itself into vertically without any effort
or why does this concept matter?
and the term comes from physics
Ballancing up and down forces, but how would you do that?
The true point of unstable equilbrium and the mental image we need to cultivate
We are also talking about rotation, arm weight, directions of movement and more
is the real value 3 cardinal directions of movement bring to the piano
The first cardinal direction and a way to play by extending the fingers instead of curling them
Part 2 out of 3 in from Alan's Q&A on rotation. We are talking about the true skeletal alignment and rotating on the note.
Completely unstable but balanced hand