Elasticity is the way here
Alan shows videos of people walking from the beginning of the last century and draws parallels on how we move today
Keep the hand in this state where you don't think of the 6th in the right hand and maintain the elastic structure
Asked by: markeog
Alan is playing through this etude and giving us insight in how his mind works
This concept once properly understood will make a huge difference in your playing
Walking = unstable quilibrium, running = elasticity + ballance
Pelvis (arm hip-joint) is smoothing everything out
Standing up without rigidifying your structure
How does all this apply to chords?
What about slurs? Lots of elasticity!
Being elastic without being tense
We need to cultivate concepts like elasticity from the very beginning
Asked by: plaine
The sliding is designed to get rid of the remaining crampedness
How to develop an elastic component of the hand?
Much of our movement is elastically generated, not just muscle contraction
Much of our movement is elastically generated, not just muscle contraction
What allows us to produce tones that have musical value and no agression in them?
Extreme Voicing opens up he sound of the piano, and the arch should be elastic
Asked by: adrienschmitt
A fresh take on arm weight. Thumb through shoulder connection via elastic thumb
Alan is building up Mario's collapsed hand. The hand is joined by elastic strings of bones and has hyper-snake like movement similar to Chopin's hand.
Asked by: markeog
Alan and Jan dig deeper into the waltz and talk about elasticity, structure, Mephisto's character.
Preassure technique and elastic raction
We have talked about biotensegrity before and now it's time we put it to work
Elasticity, tonus, muscles, bones, skeleton
Asked by: Johannes
Alan talks about elasticity and why we should embrace it.
Alan talks about curved finger curles, Glenn Gould and Horowitz and other various techniques
Hand's structure and function and how does that relate to the sound
Overholding, springy wrist and elasticity
You don't learn to walk by walking
Structured hand is not a stiff hand if it's elastically created
Melt your hand into the piano and get alive sound
Alan talks about flat fingers, unified flection and agogics
The sound picture for the entire etude
Alan talks about the sound and scouping, fulcrum like movement that induces elasticity in the hand. Via Chopin's Black Key etude
Elasticity and biotensegrity applied to octaves
Alan talks about elastic loading, stretch reflex, Kemal Gekic, Taubman
A question on elasticity from an audience member in Smith AFFI
Alan's take on stretching and elasticity