Alan shows how to use hand structure and function to create a truly Impressionistic soundscape appropriate to the delicate emotions of Claire de lune
Once you understand the techniques, you can experient and look for the right approach
Standing allows you to produce all kinds of sound, from bubbling to loud fortes
Exploration of a touch. "A little jucier then touching but not so juicy as standing"
Fingers work but the brain must think
Hanging hand exercise
Exploration of the sound is incredibly important piece of the puzzle.
Feel the string vibration
Book II, Prelude No. 8
You stop moving the wrist and music acquires this static quality
Alan wants to hear all the voices and brings out more peculiarities of Debussy's composing style
Alan shows a wrist movement totally opposite from what you would expect
We are trying to understand and decipher that specific sound
Alan helps Luba get into this piece
Part 2, standing and supporting the structucure, another great lesson from Alan
Nick's interesting performance and Alan is working on sound and orchestration
Not really a lesson on Debussy but rather lots of info on hand structure