Why Do We Have Technical Problems?

A mini workshop in Steinway Piano Gallery, Miami, FL - February 2016


person Alan Fraser

video_library 11 Episodes

schedule 1 hour 20 minutes 7 seconds


Episode 1

How Do We Work With Children

Alan talks about the right way to get started with the piano and how the teacher should approach the beginners

access_time5 minutes 50 seconds


Episode 2

How to Avoid Stiffness

Developing a function is a way to avoid stiffness

access_time5 minutes 3 seconds


Episode 3

The Importance of Standing

Alan stresses the importance of standing hand from a young age

access_time6 minutes 20 seconds


Episode 4

Drop and Stand

Functional standing that gives us the quality tone

access_time3 minutes 18 seconds


Episode 5

Piano Walking and the Young Pianists

Alan works with a young student and explains the propper technique

access_time5 minutes 10 seconds


Episode 6

How Can Thumb Play the Piano?

Short lesson on the thumb and how we started playing with it

access_time1 minute 47 seconds


Episode 7

The First Lesson-Hand Position

A question on how do we set up a beginner's hand on the piano

access_time4 minutes 8 seconds


Episode 8

Why is Elasticity Important

Alan talks about elasticity and why we should embrace it.

access_time3 minutes 44 seconds


Episode 9

Beethoven-Fur Elise Part 1

Alan is helping a stundent's dysfunctional hand stand up and gives great performance advice

access_time10 minutes 21 seconds


Episode 10

Beethoven-Fur Elise Part 2

Many great things in this lesson. Alan explaines many key aspects of his approach

access_time16 minutes 26 seconds


Episode 11

Back to Basics

18 minute long lesson with a young pianist packed with useful info

access_time18 minutes