Let's learn JS Bach's WTC together. We'll talk about the form, score, fingering, technique issues and performance on each and every one of the pieces in Bach's Well Tempered Clavier!
Jovan is a pianist and the guy behind PianoTechnique.org. He has studied with both Alan Fraser and Kemal Gekic. Originally from Serbia, now lives in The Netherlands.
I am getting back to practicing after my injury and what better way to kick it off than with Bach's WTC
A brief history of the well tempered clavier, tuning systems, on clavier
Why Bach decided on a prelude and fugue combo?
Bach - Prelude in C Major BWV 846
Bach - Fugue in C Major BWV 846
Bach - Prelude in C Minor BWV 847
Bach - Fugue in C Minor BWV 847
Bach - Prelude in C Minor BWV 848
Bach - Fugue in C Major BWV 848
Very expressive and emotiotional prelude
Bach - Fugue in C Major BWV 849
Move and Phrase, BWV 850
Bach - Fugue in D major BWV 850
Bach - Prelude in d minor BWV 851
Bach - Fugue in d minor BWV 851