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Alan's update

Occasional video updates from Alan about his latest work, institutes, discoveries

Piano technique teaacher
Your teacher

Alan Fraser

Born in Montreal in 1955 Alan Fraser studied piano but also delved into composition, cello, classical singing and had several stints as a pop musician. Alan’s main pianistic influence was the pioneering research of Phil Cohen who studied alongside Ronald Turini, Andre Laplante and Janina Fialkowska with Yvonne Hubert, who had been Cortot‘s assistant in Paris. Alan spent several years with Cohen after an apprenticeship with two former Cohen students, Alan Belkin and Lauretta Milkman.

19 episodes 7:45:45 Basic Finished
AFF - News - March 2017 15:09

This is part of recorded conversation between Alan and Jovan. Available in the Podcast-Episode 7

May 2017 - Update 22:10

Alan talks about his past two institutes and latest developments

Summer 2017 Update 32:24

Alan talks about his latest institutes and summer plans (apologies for poor video quality, we had some technical issues.)

Summer 2017 Recap and Fall 2017 News 32:43

Alan and Jovan catch up on skype. Summer and Fall 2017 news

Live Update from Utrecht October 2017 10:20

We are talking about Jan and Liszt competition in Utrecht, Chris Maene straight strung pianos and more

January 2018 Update 32:05

New, now quarterly update from Alan and Jovan

Alan Fraser Injured Holy Cow 10:48

Alan injured his hand. Here is what happened

June 2018 Update 43:54

Alan and Jovan talking news

August 2018 Update 36:59

Latest insights into Alan's work

March 2019 Update 30:34

Join Alan and Jovan in the latest podcast/update episode.

Update from Utrecht - August 2019 17:22

Alan's update - past and future institutes, injury update, swimming, latest developments

Alan's update - January 2020 37:01

Time for another update from Alan. We are talking pianimals, teaching, institutes, books... you know how it works.

Alan's update - March 2020 28:21

We are talking about the current situation, teaching remotely, pianimals

Alan's update - June 2020 31:32

Pianimals are almost out, video are already being published and other news

Alan's update - December 2020 25:53

Alan and Jovan talk via skype

Alan's update - September 2021 42:14

Alan's latest update

Alan's attempt to explain the Feldenkrais method 05:13

Alan's new book and what is it about in his own words

Alan's update - May 2022 09:34

Latest news from Alan

Alan's update - 2024 01:29

News from Alan