A lesson where we take a very simple Czerny etude and show you how to activate the fingers which are straining instead of zinging.
Born in Montreal in 1955 Alan Fraser studied piano but also delved into composition, cello, classical singing and had several stints as a pop musician. Alan’s main pianistic influence was the pioneering research of Phil Cohen who studied alongside Ronald Turini, Andre Laplante and Janina Fialkowska with Yvonne Hubert, who had been Cortot‘s assistant in Paris. Alan spent several years with Cohen after an apprenticeship with two former Cohen students, Alan Belkin and Lauretta Milkman.
Just stand up!
This is generally applicable accros the board but another good example is Chopin's Op. 10 No. 1
Play with an active finger and then release the tension in your hand
In order to go fast, we must conserve the movement of the hand
There is a specific sound quality that we are after, a good kind of sound we must strive to produce
We keep exploring the sound we want to make
Thinking mind is too slow, ears on the other hand can make the refinement