Imagine if YouTube and Netflix had a child who was really interested in piano technique? is an educational platform for pianists and piano teachers. We offer tutorials, lectures, lessons on various piano pieces and concepts. Our teachers but most notably, Alan Fraser's approach (The Craft of Piano Playing, Honing the Pianistic Self Image, All Thumbs, Play the Piano with your Whole Self) successfully address performance anxiety, resolve injuries and help improve virtuosity and musical expressivity.

So, in that regard, it works just like Netflix. You pay monthly fee (or yearly) to access the library of videos, lessons, tutorials, lectures, performances... We are publishing a few videos/week that are well worth your money. For a small fee, you are also welcome to unlock workshops (raw footage from Alan Fraser's institutes all around the world), packed with useful info and hours of footage. We try to cover various concepts and subject but if you are after a specific topic, workshops might be a place to look into.

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